
Foot Fetish Warning!
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Wednesday 14 May 2008

Foot Femdom

Foot femdom, guy clean two girls feet like a fucking cleaner cleaning a car.

Okay lets see, this is getting pathetic now, so you like girls feet but I hope no one actually does this shit like this guy every day under some girls feet making this a real subject of foot femdom.

Well lets relax, this is afterall the adult industry and only in porn can exist something called foot femdom - i hope

I just thought of something and that is why does foot fetishm exist in the first place that leads to niches such as foot femdom? There are numerous studies on why men like feet and a lot of people these days profess that there is nothing wrong with it and in todays day and age everything goes and things like being publically gay/lesbian is acceptable. Well I do not see many guys in a conversation admitting or even discussing foot fetish at all.

Any way - there is a cure for foot fetish. Next time you are sucking and fucking a girls feet, what you have to do is picture her hands in your mind. HANDS? Yes that is right while sucking her feet fill you head with images of hands and you will no longer like feet again.

Try it - HANDS!

Hope this now destroy any attempt that there should be something called foot femdom.

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